and so, maybe: maybe metal hides some other way of Expression. Maybe: in seeing it move under the hammer blows, in colours that change at the heat of the fire; in the forcing of bends, or tips or blades inside it - or against it. In taking it out of the acid, matt - silvery. In polishing it with Love. In letting it standing out strong, and contrasting, against fabric and skin and hair: extending lines of force, pushing the beholder's eyes - or yours - deeper, Inside.
It's an Art by itself - even if "minor" and mistreated: and she needs affection. Yes - affection.
Hi!, I'm Davide. I try to be a metalsmith. My other vices was good prose, and is powerlifting.
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come piovesse

e anche castoni-a-tubo come piovesse [domenica, questo]: una sbrancata di fette di tubo da 4 e da 5 mm dopo una passata in acido, pronti per'esser'saldati; e i 19 castoni finiti, in attesa d'essere saldati al pezzo e accoglier'quindi citrini, peridotti e zaffiri neri.

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